For versions 8.10.0 and earlier, users were not required to have sysdba privileges, such as SYSTEM. If the account that runs the LifeKeeper service is already a member of the ORA_DBA group (Oracle’s default install) and OS authentication is enabled, you can use it as it is without any changes (in this case, username/password authentication is ignored) after the update. If you are using PDB resources, you are already in this state. If you are using OS authentication disabled without using PDB resources, please change by one of the following methods.

  • Enable OS authentication.
  • Change to a user with sysdba privileges, such as SYS
    • You can change it from the “User Management” -> “Change User and Password” in the properties screen of the Oracle resource.
  • Continue as a user without sysdba privileges, such as SYSTEM


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