perl lcdstatus [-d destname] [-q|e] [-r root_tag] [-u] [-h]
This program outputs information about the LifeKeeper configuration on this system, which includes defined resources and their relationships (dependencies and equivalencies), communication paths, system status, and LifeKeeper flags. This command is purely informational and does not modify the LifeKeeper configuration in any way.
This command will only provide any output if LifeKeeper is currently running. This command must be executed from within the %LKROOT%/bin directory unless %LKROOT%/bin is added to your PATH.
The -d option specifies a LifeKeeper known system to run this command on. If it is not specified, lcdstatus runs on the local system. When specifying another system, output will be returned to the local terminal, but the information output will be relative to the system specified. For example, when running lcdstatus on Node 1 with priority 1 for the resources with the -d option set to Node 2 which has priority 10 for the resources, the output will show priority 10.
The -q and -e options both set the “short” output mode, where a truncated output containing only basic resource information and status as well as communication path status is output. The only difference between -q and -e is the first column of resource information output. With -q, the first column will show the local system name, while with -e it will show the name of the LifeKeeper system with the next highest priority for that resource after the local system, or nothing if there is no system with higher priority. Please note that a higher number denotes a lower priority, so priority order can also be described as ascending numerically by the priority number. Only one of these two options can be specified at a time, as they are incompatible with each other.
The -r option allows you to specify a root tag for a resource hierarchy, and only resources in a hierarchy with a root matching the specified tag will be output. No information about LifeKeeper systems, communication paths, or flags will be output when -r is specified.
The -u option turns on the uniqueness check for resource output. When specified, the same resource tag will not be output more than once in the resource information output, even if it appears more than once (such as if it were a child of multiple root resources). Note that since the “long” resource output already does not list a resource more than once, this option will only really modify output when used in conjunction with either -q or -e.
The -h will only output usage information about lcdstatus, including a brief overview of each command line argument.
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