LifeKeeper for Windows supports three types of storage – all protected by the “volume” resource type.

  1. Fully mirrored volume (data is replicated from source node to all cluster nodes)
  2. Mixed mirrored / shared (volume is shared between some nodes, replicated to others)
  3. Shared volume (no replication)

All three types of volume require that SIOS DataKeeper be installed, along with LifeKeeper for Windows.

The first two volume types (Fully mirrored and Mixed mirrored / shared) require that you install a DataKeeper license. The DataKeeper license allows you to create mirrors to support the replicated nodes.

The third volume type (Shared volume with no replication) does not require a DataKeeper license. The DataKeeper service can recognize a valid LifeKeeper license and will run in “shared volume” mode when one is found and no DataKeeper license is found. I/O fencing is enabled by granting access rights to the shared disk to DataKeeper drivers on cluster nodes. In other words, DataKeeper drivers on cluster nodes communicate through the shared disk, preventing multiple nodes from simultaneously obtaining access privileges to the same volume and blocking access to the shared disk from nodes that do not have privileges.


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