1. Log in to the Windows OS on the active system (lk-node01) as LKDOMAIN\lkadmin.
  2. Launch the LifeKeeper GUI and log in as LKDOMAIN\lkadmin.
  3. Click the Create Resource Hierarchy icon (green + sign) to create an Oracle resource hierarchy.

  1. Enter the values as described in the table below:
Oracle resource
Primary Server lk-node01
Backup Server lk-node02
Application to protect Oracle
Oracle Home Directory OraDB19Home1
Oracle User Name <Empty>
Optional Services None
Oracle Tag ORCL
  1. The screen below may appear while creating the resource hierarchy. Since Optional Services are not required at this time, select None.

  1. Once the Oracle resource hierarchy is created, the following screen will be displayed. Please note that the IP address and volume resources are children of the parent resource “ORCL”.


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