This topic describes the categories of information provided in the detailed status display as shown in the following example of output from the lcdstatus command. For information on how to display this information, see the lcdstatus documentation page. At the command line, you can print usage information by entering the %LKROOT%/Bin directory and running `perl lcdstatus -h`. For status information available in the LifeKeeper GUI, see Viewing the Status of a Server or Viewing the Status of Resources.
Example of detailed status display:
Resource Hierarchy Information
SQL.Default: id=CAE-CX-LAB29 app=database type=sqlapp state=ISP
Depends on resources: sqlapp.Vol.E sqlapp.Vol.F
depends on resources: ipeth0-,ipeth0-,ipeth0-
Local priority = 1
SHARED equivalency with resource SQL.Default on machine CAE-CX-LAB30, priority = 10 id= app=comm type=ip state=ISP
These resources are dependent: SQL.Default
Local priority = 1
SHARED equivalency with resource on machine CAE-CX-LAB30, priority = 10
sqlapp.Vol.E: id=E: app=filesys type=volume state=ISP
info=E: – NULL – sqlapp.Vol.E – EM – 0
These resources are dependent: SQL.Default
Local priority = 1
SHARED equivalency with resource sqlapp.Vol.E on machine CAE-CX-LAB30, priority = 10
sqlapp.Vol.F: id=F: app=filesys type=volume state=ISP
info=F: – NULL – sqlapp.Vol.F – SCSI – 0
These resources are dependent: SQL.Default
Local priority = 1
SHARED equivalency with resource sqlapp.Vol.F on machine CAE-CX-LAB30, priority = 10
Communication Status Information
The following LifeKeeper machines are known:
machine=CAE-CX-LAB29 state=ALIVE
machine=CAE-CX-LAB30 state=ALIVE
The following LifeKeeper communication paths exist:
To System=CAE-CX-LAB30 Type=TCPIP Port=1500
State=ALIVE Priority=1
Heartbeat Interval=6 Failure Threshold=5
To System=CAE-CX-LAB30 Type=TCPIP Port=1510
State=ALIVE Priority=2
Heartbeat Interval=6 Failure Threshold=5
The following LifeKeeper flags are set:
!action!05072!1731526562!CAE-CX-LAB29:Restore_Hierarchy !restore
The shutdown strategy is set to: do not switchover.
Resource Hierarchy Information
LifeKeeper displays the resource status beginning with the root resource. The display includes information about all resource dependencies.
Elements common to multiple resources appear only once under the first root resource. The first line for each resource description displays the resource tag name followed by a colon (:), for example: SQL.Default:. These are the information elements that may be used to describe the resources in the hierarchy:
- id: Unique internal resource identifier string used by LifeKeeper.
- app: Identifies the type of application, for example the sample resource SQL.Default is a database application.
- type: Indicates the resource class type, for example SQL.Default is a SQL application.
- state: Current state of the resource:
- ISP—In-service locally and protected.
- ISU—In-service, unprotected.
- OSF—Out-of-service, failed.
- OSU—Out-of-service, unimpaired.
- initialize: Specifies the way the resource is to be initialized, by LifeKeeper.
- AUTORES_ISP — The resource is first set to the OSU state, then a restore action is taken to attempt to bring it ISP.
- INIT_ISP — LifeKeeper assumes the resource is initialized through other means and places it directly to the ISP state.
- INIT_OSU — LifeKeeper assumes the resource is not started up and leaves it in the OSU state on startup.
- info: Contains object-specific information used in LifeKeeper administration on the resources.
- depends on resources: If present, lists the tag names of the resources that have a “child” dependency relationship with this resource.
- these resources are dependent: If present, indicates the tag names of the resources that have a “parent” dependency relationship with this resource.
- Local priority: Indicates the failover priority value of the targeted server, for this resource.
- SHARED equivalency: Indicates the resource tag and server name of any remote resources with which this resource has a defined equivalency, along with the failover priority value of the remote server, for that resource.
Communication Status Information
This section of the status display lists the servers known to LifeKeeper and their current state, followed by information about each communications path.
LifeKeeper shows the following information for systems:
- machine: Name of the LifeKeeper system These are the possible communications state values:
- state: The state of the machine, as seen by the system lcdstatus is run on.
- ALIVE — There is at least one ALIVE communication path to the system.
- DEAD — There are no ALIVE communication paths to the system.
Note: If Node 2 is running but has no communications to Node 1, lcdstatus when run on Node 1 will report Node 2 as “DEAD”, even though the system is actually running. LifeKeeper on Node 1 cannot reach Node 2, so it considers it “DEAD”.
These are the communication path information elements you can see on the status display:
- To System:The name of the remote LifeKeeper system this communication path communicates with.
- Type: The type of communication path, either “TCPIP” for a TCP communication path, or “SCSI” for a shared disk communication path.
- If Type is “TCPIP” the next 2 fields will be:
- Port: The port this communication path uses.
- Addresses: The local and remote IP addresses this communication path uses.
- If Type is “SCSI” the next field will be Volume, and it will list the volume letter used for the shared disk communication path.
- If Type is “TCPIP” the next 2 fields will be:
- State: The status of this communication path:
- ALIVE — This communication path is functioning normally.
- DEAD — This communication path has missed the set number of consecutive missed heartbeats to trigger a failure (see Failure Threshold below).
- Heartbeat Interval:The interval in seconds at which the communication path checks communication with the remote system.
- Failure Threshold: The number of consecutive heartbeats that can be missed before this communication path is marked as DEAD
LifeKeeper Flags
Near the end of the detailed status display, LifeKeeper provides a list of the flags set for the system. A common type is a Lock LCD flag used to ensure that other processes wait until the process lock completes its action.
This is an example of a general LCD lock flags:
- !action!05644!1731096225!CAE-CX-LAB29:Remove_Hierarchy – This describes a lock for a Remove_Hierarchy action on a specific system in the cluster.
- Other typical flags include !nofailover!machine and shutdown_switchover.
The !nofailover!machine flag is an internal, transient flag created and deleted by LifeKeeper, which controls aspects of server failover. The shutdown_switchover flag indicates that the shutdown strategy for this server has been set to switchover such that a shutdown of the server will cause a switchover to occur. See the LCDI Flags page for more detailed information on the possible flags.
Shutdown Strategy
The last item on the detailed status display identifies the LifeKeeper shutdown strategy selected for this system. See Setting Server Shutdown Strategy for more information.
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