A non-mirrored volume resource is a DataKeeper resource where no data is replicated to any node in the cluster. This resource type should only be used where the data is temporary and/or non-critical such as MS SQL Server tempdb space. In this case, when MS SQL restarts on another node after a failover or switchover, the tempdb space is automatically recreated so replication of the data is not necessary.

This non-mirrored volume resource will be able to come Online and go Offline on all cluster node without ever affecting the configured volume. Additionally, the volume will remain unlocked and writable at all times on all nodes in the cluster.

To configure a non-mirrored volume resource:

  • Configure a volume on all cluster nodes using the same drive letter (all nodes must use the same drive letter).
  • Create any directories that are required for the volume on all cluster nodes.
  • Create a DataKeeper Volume resource using the Failover Clustering UI. Provide a name that best describes its intended use – (Example: “DataKeeper Volume F (Non-Mirrored)”). The following steps will set the Properties needed for the non-mirrored resource:

• In the Failover Cluster Manager, right-click the Cluster Group or the Role that will contain the non-mirrored DataKeeper Volume Resource. If a role has NOT been defined, an Empty Role must be created.

• Select Add a Resource, More Resources, then select DataKeeper Volume.

• Right-click on the new DataKeeper volume resource and select Properties.

• Enter the Resource Name you selected earlier (Example: “DataKeeper Volume F (Non-Mirrored)”) then click OK. You do not need to change any other properties at this time.

The following steps will set the Properties needed for the non-mirrored resource:

  • Assign the following properties using Powershell:

VolumeLetter =F (if the drive letter is F, otherwise whatever the drive letter is)

NonMirrored =1 (there is no space between Non and Mirrored)

  • Add the properties using Powershell:

Get-ClusterResource “DataKeeper Volume F (Non-Mirrored)” | Set-ClusterParameter –Name VolumeLetter –Value “F”

Get-ClusterResource “DataKeeper Volume F (Non-Mirrored)” | Set-ClusterParameter –Name NonMirrored –Value 1

If this non-mirrored volume resource is to be used with MS SQL Server for tempdb space the following configurations steps are needed:

  • Ensure that the volume security settings for the user account that is chosen to run SQL Server services has full access to the volume on all nodes in the cluster.
  • Ensure that the “SQL Server” resource in the Failover Clustering group has a dependency on the new DataKeeper Volume resource.



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