
sys_create [-d destsys] -s sys

sys_getds [-d destsys] -s sys

sys_getst [-d destsys] -s sys

sys_list [-d destsys] -s sys

sys_remove [-d destsys]


The LifeKeeper configuration database knows about related systems. Because resources and resource types are specific to the systems on which they exist, it is necessary for the configuration database interface to contain the concept of a system.

The LCDI-systems commands return (or create) information into or remove information out of the database.

Exit Codes

All commands exit to 0 if they are successful. On failure, they return a nonzero code and print to standard error. The following exit codes could be returned by these commands:

0 The operation has succeeded.
1 A system call or library call has internally returned failure.
2 A user-specified syntax error occurred.
3 LifeKeeper internal error.
4 A request to perform an operation on an object that already exists.
5 An argument specified is illegal.
6 Index out-of-range.
7 A request has been made on an object that does not exist.
8 A request was made to delete a resource instance on which another non-deleted resource instance depends.
9 An attempt to communicate with another system failed.



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