The state of all SIOS Protection Suite protected replicated volume resources is displayed in the LifeKeeper GUI. Refer to the SIOS DataKeeper topic, Mirror State Definitions, for details on mirror states.

The example below shows that the mirror state of the replicated volume resource Vol.L is Resync and that the mirror state of the replicated volume resource Vol.Y is Mirroring.

The table below describes the different states for replicated volume resources and their meaning.

Resource State
Visual State
What it Means
Resource is operational on the primary server and protected (ISP).
Resource is operational on the primary server but not protected by a backup resource (ISU).
Resource has not been initialized (ILLSTATE) or SIOS Protection Suite is not running on this server.
Problem with resource detected on this server. For example, an attempt to bring the resource in-service failed (OSF).
Resource is out of service on this server. Volume is not accessible for read/write operations.
Resync Pending
Resource state on the backup server is Resync Pending.
Resource state on the backup server is Mirroring.
Resource state on the backup server is Paused.
Resource state on the backup server is Resync.
Resource state on the backup server is Broken.

To view the configuration information for a replicated volume resource from the LifeKeeper GUI, right-click on the volume resource and select Properties, then select the Mirror Status tab. The example below shows Vol.G is the source on CAE-QA-V100 and has one target –, and that it is resycning to the target CAE-QA-V213.


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