To view configuration information associated with a protected IP resource from the LifeKeeper GUI, right-click on the IP resource (on the right-hand side of the LifeKeeper GUI) and select Properties, then select the IP Configuration tab. The example below shows the configuration details for the SIOS Protection Suite protected IP resource

To enable or disable the IP address restore capabilities on the selected server while still allowing the SIOS Protection Suite IP resource to report a successful in-service operation, click the Modify button, then select Enable or Disable for the restore mode. This feature applies to three-node SIOS Protection Suite clusters where two nodes are on a LAN (same subnet) and the third node is on a WAN (different subnet). The restore mode of the IP resource would be enabled on the LAN nodes and disabled on the WAN node.

Pinglist functionality can be enabled by creating a file containing valid IP address. This function will attempt to ping the addresses in the file. It will succeed if any of the IP addresses respond to the ping, and will fail if none of them respond. The pinglist check will be executed at the end of an IP Restore operation, as well as during an IP Quick Check. The pinglist is optional – if no file is found, Restore and Quick Check skip that test.

The file required to enable this feature needs to be placed in %LKROOT%/Subsys/comm/resources/ip/, and should be named “pinglist.<tag>” where <tag> is the name given to the protected IP resource. IP addresses should be entered one per line in the file. The IP addresses used should also be reachable from the protected IP address’s subnet, and should respond to ICMP PING requests.



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