flg_create [-d destsys] -f flag
flg_remove [-d destsys] -f flag
flg_test [-d destsys] -f flag
flg_list [-d destsys]
LifeKeeper provides a facility to dynamically set flags to perform various tasks. The following special purpose flags can exist.
If this flag exists, failover is inhibited for resources on the system with name, uname, that have defined the system with the flag on it as their backup system. Note: This is a temporary flag that will be removed automatically when LifeKeeper detects that system uname is ALIVE.
This is an example of an ”admin lock flag” [see getlocks]. These flags are used for actions that require that no other action be performed at the same time on any of the systems in a LifeKeeper configuration. For example, you may not create a hierarchy on one system while creating a hierarchy on another. The ”admin lock flags” are used to ensure that one of these ”global” operations is not performed until the one currently running completes.
The identifier field of the ”admin lock flag” identifies the kind of action being performed. The system that the process that requested the”admin lock flag” was running on is specified by uname. The flag was created at timestamp number of seconds after Jan 1, 1970, by a process with a process ID of procid that called getlocks [see getlocks].
An example of such a flag is as follows:
This flag indicates that the action Create_Hierarchy is in progress, indicating a hierarchy is being created. The process with process ID1525 requested the ”admin lock flag,” at the time 701120147 on system cindy.
This flag is set by LifeKeeper when the prerestore scripts (see LCD) are run. It indicates that the postrestore scripts should be run. Normally, this is a transitory condition that LifeKeeper automatically fixes when the postrestore scripts (see LCD) run. The only exception is if the postrestore scripts are being explicitly run using the following command:
%LKROOT%\bin\lcdrecover -G restore
When this flag is set it indicates that the postrestore scripts (see LCD) should be run remotely on system uname. When the postrestore scripts are run on this system, LifeKeeper sends a remote request to system uname to run its postrestore scripts. Normally, this is a transitory condition that LifeKeeper automatically fixes. The only exception is if the postrestore scripts are being explicitly run using the %LKROOT%\bin\lcdrecover -G restore command.
This flag is set by LifeKeeper when the preremove scripts (see LCD) are run. It indicates that the postremove scripts should be run at a later time. Normally, this is a transitory condition that LifeKeeper automatically fixes when the postremove scripts (see LCD) are run at a later time. The only exception is if the postremove scripts are being explicitly run using the following command:
%LKROOT%\bin\lcdrecover -G remove
When this flag is set it indicates that the postremove scripts (see LCD) should be run remotely on system uname. When the postremove scripts are run on this system, a remote request is sent to system uname to run its postremove scripts. Normally, this is a transitory condition that LifeKeeper automatically fixes. The only exception is if the postremove scripts are being explicitly run using the %LKROOT%\bin\lcdrecover -G remove command.
This flag is set by LifeKeeper when the predelete scripts (see LCD) are run. It indicates that the postdelete scripts should be run at a later time. Normally, this is a transitory condition that LifeKeeper automatically fixes when the postdelete scripts (see LCD (1M)) are run. The only exception to this is if the postdelete scripts are being explicitly run by using the following command:
%LKROOT%\bin\lcdrecover -G delete
When this flag is set it indicates that the postdelete scripts (see LCD) should be run remotely on system uname. When the postdelete scripts are run on this system, a remote request is sent to system uname to run its postdelete scripts. Normally, this is a transitory condition that LifeKeeper automatically fixes. The only exception is if the postdelete scripts are being explicitly run using the following command:
%LKROOT%\bin\lcdrecover -G delete
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