Select a job in the Job Summary pane and right-click to choose Mirror Properties.
This dialog displays the following information about the job, source and target systems:
- Job Name
- State (current state of the job; for example, Active)
- Source System
- Server – name of source server
- Source IP – IP address of source server
- Disk Space – capacity of the source volume
- Shared Hosts – other systems that have access to this volume via shared storage
- Target System
- Server – name of target server
- Target IP – IP address of target server
You can modify the following settings through the Mirror Properties dialog:
- Compression Level – specifies the compression level for the given mirror. The value can be set from lowest to highest. We recommend a level of “Medium low”, but users should test several different settings to see what level works best in their specific environment. Compression is typically not required for LAN connections > 100 Mbps.
Note: Any changes made to the compression level setting are automatically propagated to all the systems listed in the Mirror Properties display.
- Maximum Bandwidth – Specifies the maximum amount of network bandwidth (in kilobits per second) that a particular mirror is allowed to use. A value of 0 means unlimited.
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