特定のエラーコードを検索するには、 Control + F を使用してください。

17 情報 The SIOS DataKeeper Service version %1 is starting.
18 警告 The SIOS DataKeeper Service has been stopped.
19 The SIOS DataKeeper Service has been paused.
20 The SIOS DataKeeper Service has been continued.
21 The SIOS DataKeeper Service terminated with error code %1 “%2”
22 情報 The SIOS DataKeeper Service has been installed successfully
23 The SIOS DataKeeper Service has been successfully removed.
24 Debug checkpoint “%1” was encountered.
25 The registry value “%1” could not be found in the key “%2”. This value is required for the service to start successfully. Please reconfigure the service, or add the value to the above source.
The service will be stopped.
26 While attempting to execute the function: “%1”, error %2 was encountered on line %3 in file: “%4”:
27 情報 MSG_General_Info
*Note: Used for displaying a general event log message with custom messaging.
*Note: Used for display a general event log message with custom messaging.
29 エラー Error 1073 while trying to create the SIOS DataKeeper service
30 Error %1 while trying to Open the Service Control Manager
31 Error %1 while trying to install the SIOS DataKeeper service
32 While attempting to create thread: “%1”, error %2 was encountered on line %3 in file: “%4”:
33 The control connection to system “%1” could not be initialized. Pipe Name=”%2”. Command=”%3”. The error code was “%4”.
34 Cannot allocate enough memory. Line: %1 File: %2
35 The GUI Thread pipe is waiting for a connection.
36 Error getting Service Info.
37 Command received from GUI: %1
38 Exit command received from GUI.
39 Service STOP command received from GUI.
40 情報 Setting attributes for volume “X:”. New Attributes bitmap: “128”
41 Error “%1” while trying to set the volume attributes for volume “%2”.
48 Pausing a mirror for volume “%1” with target system “%2”
%1 %r%n
50 Restarting a mirror for volume “%1” with target system “%2”
Restarting The Mirror Command Failed.
52 Unknown command received from GUI: %1
53 Error %1 receiving command from GUI.
54 Error %1 sending response to GUI.
55 Error %1 creating GUI pipe.
56 Error %1 trying to connect to the GUI.
57 Error %1 trying to enable the process’s priviledge.
58 Error %1 trying to initialize the potential mirror structure.
64 Error %1 while trying to open the registry key %2
65 Error %1 while trying to read the registry value %2
66 Error %1 while trying to set the registry value %2
67 String “%1” already exists in Registry key value: %2.
69 An auto-discover request was received by “%1”.
70 情報 The Auto Discovery thread is waiting for requests.
71 The value read from the registry key is not of the expected type. Registry Value: %1
72 Attempt to get the job associated with system ‘%3’ and volume ‘%4’ failed. Error: %5
73 No job found associated with system ‘%3’ and volume ‘%4’.
80 Could not determine computername from FQDN ‘%3’
81 The Compare Volume pipe is waiting for a connection
82 Attempt to set the cluster resource property ‘%3’ for volume ‘%4’ to value ‘%5’ failed. Error: ‘%6’
83 Failed to open the key ‘%3’ for the Cluster Resource associated with volume ‘%4’. Error: %5
84 Failed to get the Cluster Resource Key associated with volume ‘%3’. Error: %4
85 Failed to get the Cluster Resource associated with volume ‘%3’. Error: %4
86 Failed to get the state of the Cluster Resource associated with volume ‘%3’. Error: %4
87 Failed to get the local computer name. Error: %3
88 Resource Mirror State Property for Volume [%3:], Target:%4, State:%5 could not be saved in the Cluster Database. Error: %6
89 Could not obtain a handle to the cluster.
97 情報 Event Log Monitor started monitoring the “System” log.
98 Error code returned is [%1]
99 Couldn’t create an event for monitoring the event log by the service. The service can not continue. Error code returned is [%1].
100 Couldn’t set the change notification for events for monitoring the event log by the service. The service can not continue. Error code returned is [%1]
101 The number of strings expected for the change status event were not received. The number received was [%1].
102 The value for %1 could not be parsed from the event log because of error %2.
110 エラー In a Windows Server Failover Cluster, the underlying API Call ‘AddPossibleOwner()’ or ‘RemovePossibleOwner()’ Failed
112 DataKeeper License Manager failed to initialize: %1
113 情報 Found DataKeeper cluster permanent license key.
114 エラー Error in obtaining SteelEye DataKeeper license key. このシステムのホストIDは、ライセンスファイルで指定されたホストIDと一致しません。
115 情報 DataKeeper cluster evaluation license key found, expires at midnight in 21 days.
116 EM master license key has expired.
117 エラー No valid DataKeeper license key was found
118 警告 IMPORTANT NOTICE! SIOS DataKeeper on this system is using an evaluation license key which will expire at midnight on 06/07/09. To continue functioning beyond that time, a permanent license key must be obtained. Please contact the original supplier of your evaluation software, or visit http://www.steeleye.com for
information about purchasing a permanent license key for SIOS DataKeeper.
119 エラー ERROR! The evaluation license key for SteelEye DataKeeper on this system has expired. Please contact the original supplier of your evaluation software, or visit http://www.steeleye.com for information about purchasing a permanent license key for SIOS DataKeeper.
120 エラー SIOS DataKeeper shutdown is now in progress.
121 The SIOS DataKeeper Service has started. Found EM restricted permanent license key.
122 Licensing initialization – server not ready.
*Note: Used for displaying a general event log message with custom messaging.
130 Found SDR OEM Key
131 SDR OEM Key is not valid
132 SDR OEM Key is valid but has expired %1 seconds differential
133 Localization File `%1’ is invalid
134 Failed to get the current machine locale when locale restricted licensing is in operation
135 Found Locale restriction. Current Locale is `%1’
136 This version of SDR is Licensed for the `%1’ locale, but you are not using this locale.
137 Failed to restore machine to `C’ locale.
144 The EventLog Monitoring thread received an unexpected return value in WaitForSingleObject – status %1.
145 The EventLog Monitoring thread received an unexpected return value in ReadEventLog – status %1.
146 Couldn’t open event log for monitoring by the service. Error code returned is [%1].
147 Couldn’t set the change notification for events for monitoring the event log by the service. Error code returned is [%1].
148 Unable to allocate memory for volume target information – service is terminating.
149 The number of strings expected for the change role event were not correct. Expected 5 strings. The number received was [%1].
173 Unable to modify registry setting %2.
174 情報 Initiated switchover of mirror on volume H:\.
175 Bad Arguments: Switchover called with %3 as the server name.
176 GetMirrorVolume for drive %4 failed with error number %3.
177 情報 Calling Failover for volume Y:\.
178 Failover of volume %3 on has failed with error %4.
179 情報 Calling DeleteLocalMirrorOnly() for volume H:\.
180 DeleteLocalMirrorOnly() for volume %3 failed with error %4.
181 情報 Calling CreateMirror().
182 CreateMirror() failed with error %3.
183 情報 Invoking switchover of mirror on volume Y:\ on source system
184 Mirror role is %3. Cannot continue with switchover of mirror.
185 Mirror role is %3. Cannot perform switchover of mirror.
186 Cannot determine IP address for mirror target %3.
187 エラー Switchover of mirror for drive E:\ cannot be performed. Mirror state is Resync.
188 DataKeeper WSFC Resource ‘%3’ was not found in the Cluster folder.
189 DataKeeper was unable to access the local cluster. The handle is NULL.
190 エラー Failed to register the ‘DataKeeper Volume’ Resource DLL (DataKeeperVolume.dll). Error: 70 Error 70
191 Failed to create process to register DataKeeper Resource Extension DLL (%1). Error: %2
192 Failed to register the ‘%1’ Resource Extension DLL (%2). Error: %3
193 Failed to disable WOW64 Redirection.
194 Failed to re-enable WOW64 redirection.
195 エラー Attempt to connect to remote system 007IT-NAS-TW2 failed with error 5. Error 5
195 エラー Attempt to connect to remote system 007IT-NAS-TW2 failed with error 53. Error 53
196 エラー Attempt to connect to remote system failed with error 53. Please ensure that the local security policy for “Network Access: Let Everyone permissions apply to anonymous users” is enabled on all the servers running DataKeeper. Error 53
196 エラー Attempt to connect to remote system MACHINE.FQDN failed with error 64. Please ensure that the local security policy for “Network Access: Let Everyone permissions apply to anonymous users” is enabled on all the servers running DataKeeper. Error 64
196 エラー Attempt to connect to remote system MACHINE.FQDN failed with error 64. Please ensure that the local security policy for “Network Access: Let Everyone permissions apply to anonymous users” is enabled on all the servers running DataKeeper. Error 1326
196 エラー Attempt to connect to remote system MACHINE.FQDN failed with error 1131. Please ensure that the local security policy for “Network Access: Let Everyone permissions apply to anonymous users” is enabled on all the servers running DataKeeper. Error 1131
208 情報 Creating a new job.
209 Job (ID: %3) has invalid endpoints data.
210 Failed to create a GUID string. Error code was %3.
211 情報 Attempting to update job(ID: 86e75d13-c32b-441b-9663-1aa661a83310) info on local system.
212 Failed to update job(ID: %3) on local system. Error code was %4.
213 Reading info for job(ID: %3).
214 Reading all jobs from the Registry.
215 Attempting to get all jobs from the registry.
216 情報 Updating job(ID: 8027a98a-fc8e-45f0-a9e9-cbccaef670f3) on all servers.
217 情報 Attempting to delete job(ID: 910f97f2-12d0-4bfb-96bd-0f96d904d21f) on remote server VIRTSERVER3.TTT. LOCAL.
218 情報 Attempting to update job(ID: 8027a98a-fc8e-45f0-a9e9-cbccaef670f3) on remote server MACHINE.FQDN
219 情報 Update of job(ID: 86e75d13-c32b-441b-9663-1aa661a83310) info failed. Error code was 1326. Error 234, 1326
220 情報 Deleting job with ID DF04CDE3-5AA5-49FA-9410-8B6E57D12E77.
221 情報 Deleting registry key for job with ID 910f97f2-12d0-4bfb-96bd-0f96d904d21f.
224 情報 Registered ‘DataKeeper Volume’ Cluster Resource Type.
225 情報 Registered ‘DataKeeper Volume’ Resource Extension DLL.
226 Could not save mirror settings in registry.
227 エラー Switchover of volume Y:\ is aborting – unable to establish a connection to source system, although the source system appears to be online. Make sure that the SteelEye DataKeeper Service is running on system
228 Switchover of volume %3 is continuing – source system name with IP address %4 was not available from job info.
229 Creation of additional targets after primary switchover failed with status %3
230 情報 Switchover of volume I:\ started on shared node.
231 情報 Switchover of volume I:\ on shared node completed successfully.
232 エラー Switchover of volume N:\ failed on shared node failed with error 1.
233 情報 Shared node WINSUPB.QATEST.COM is the source of the existing mirror for volume I:\.
234 エラー Shared node WINSUPB.QATEST.COM is the target of the existing mirror for volume N:\.
235 エラー Mirror node RUFOUS.QATEST.COM is the source of the existing mirror for volume N:\.
236 情報 Mirror node RUFOUS.QATEST.COM is the target of the existing mirror for volume I:\.
237 エラー Switchover of mirror for volume E:\ on source system failed with error 121. Error [33], [121]
238 情報 Attempting to unlock volume I:\ before creating mirror.
239 Attempting to unlock volume %3.
240 情報 Attempting to create mirror (source ip::vol – target ip::vol) –
241 Create mirror failed with error %3.
242 IOCTL for configuration setting for volume %3 failed with error %4.
243 Switchover for mirror %3 completed. %4 mirrors created.
256 FLEXnet: The lc_flexinit_property_handle_create API has failed. Error: %3
257 FLEXnet: The lc_flexinit_property_handle_set API has failed. Error: %3
258 FLEXnet: The lc_flexinit API has failed. Error: %3
259 FLEXnet: The lc_flexinit_cleanup API has failed. Error: %3
260 FLEXnet: The lc_flexinit_property_handle_free has failed. Error: %3
261 Attempt to enable shared configuration for volume %3 failed. Error: %4
262 Attempt to disable shared configuration for volume %3 failed. Error: %4
263 Directories could not be created for bitmap file: %3. Multi-target switchovers will require full resync.
264 Bitmap file could not be copied from old mirror source on %4.
265 Switchover for volume %3 was requested while volume was in the Source role. This is an invalid request and will be failed.
266 A request to prepare volume %3 to relinquish the Source role was received while the volume was not in the Source role. This is an invalid request and will be failed.
267 情報 Prepare volume I:\ to relinquish source role during switchover.
268 Error number %3 getting mirror volume info for volume %4.
269 エラー Volume E: Mirror role 0 not allowed to pass mirror settings.
270 Mirror in wrong role. Cannot update mirror setting on system %3 and volume %4.
271 Cannot connect to %3. Cannot send mirror property setting.
272 Error %3 setting mirror property on system %4 volume %5.
273 エラー Unsuccessful mirror settings broadcast to shared systems from WINSUPA.QATEST.COM.
274 エラー Switchover of mirror for volume I:\ failed. Source system did not have a mirror in the mirroring state to this target, failed with error 87. Error 87
275 Job update did not contain the correct number of endpoints.
276 During switchover, a shared source system did not respond to DataKeeper requests, but does not appear to be dead. Switchover will be aborted – that node may be the mirror source. Please make sure that the SIOS DataKeeper Service is running on all nodes.
277 Multiple shared nodes found to be in the Source role for volume %3.
278 The Job for volume %3 is non-standard and contains unexpected data. This could result in operational failures. Please ensure that the Job is configured correctly.
File: %1%r%n
Line: %2%r%n
Change Values Request Successful.
File: %1%r%n
Line: %2%r%n
”Error telling target to change endpoints.”
281 GetVolumeInfo for source volume %3 failed on server %4. Error %5. The volume is not configured or missing. Switchover is continuing. If the missing volume is replaced, you must force a full resync to the new media.
289 During switchover Old Source Volume %3 EmVolume.Open failed on server %4. A Full Resync is required.
290 Switchover for volume %3 on source system %4 has encountered a network error, code %5, and is attempting recovery .
291 A switchover request for volume %3 is being aborted. The volume is still Online on this cluster node.
292 A duplicate switchover request was detected for volume %3. Returned saved status: %4.
293 A duplicate switchover request was detected for volume %3, and the wait has failed. Wait error: %4.
294 Failed to detach filter driver %3 from volume %4. Error: %5.
295 Failed to load VirtDisk.dll.
296 Failed to find the %3 function in VirtDisk.dll!
297 Failed to create the Virtual Disk %3. Error: %4.
298 Failed to open the Virtual Disk %3. Error: %4.
299 Failed to attach the Virtual Disk %3. Error: %4.
300 Failed to detach the Virtual Disk %3. Error: %4.
301 Failed to retrieve the Physical Device Path for the Virtual Disk %3. Error: %4.
302 Failed to open the device %3.
303 Failed to initialize the device %3.
304 There is no snapshot location configured for volume %3.
305 The volume %3 could not be prepared for snapshotting.
306 The snapshot %3 could not be deleted. Error: %4
307 The Snapshot files for volumes %1 have been initialized. Preparing to contact the source system to begin snapshotting.
308 The snapshots %3 do not have the same Source system. This is required for simultanious snapshots.
309 The volume %3 does not have a job associated with it. Jobs are required for snapshots.
310 Failed to create the Virtual Disk %3. File already exists and is in use.
311 The SIOS DataKeeper Service failed to quiesce a group of volumes: “%1”.
312 The SIOS DataKeeper Service %1
313 The SIOS DataKeeper Service encountered a non-fatal issue when quiescing a group of volumes:
314 On source, no job found for snapshot target volume %3 on Server %4, Error %5. Snapshot cancelled.
315 On source, no matching miror found for snapshot to target volume %3 on Server %4. Snapshot cancelled.
316 Snapshot source volume 3 info was not found for snapshot to target volume %4 on target server %5, Error: 6. Snapshot cancelled.
317 Snapshot source volume %3 not in source role for snapshot to target volume %4 on target server %5. Snapshot cancelled.
318 Snapshot source volume %3 not in mirroring state for snapshot to target volume %4 on target server %5. Snapshot cancelled.
319 Snapshot source volume %3 was locked for snapshot to target volume %4 on target server %5. Snapshot cancelled.
320 Unable to stop driver snapshot operation for volume %3 – status %4.
321 While dropping snapshots for volumes %1 one or more error or warning conditions were encountered.
322 Snapshots for volumes %1 successfully dropped.
323 Failed to initiate snapshot of volume %3 on target system %4, status %5.
324 Failed to initiate snapshot of volume %3 on target system %4, status %5. Could not open handle to the volume.
325 Failed to retrieve snapshot initialization status of volume %3 on target system %4, status %5.
326 Failed to retrieve snapshot initialization status of volume %3 on target system %4, status %5. Could not open handle to the volume.
327 Snapshot initialization of volume %3 on target system %4 failed with status %5.
328 Snapshot requested for volumes %1.
329 Snapshot for volumes %1 created successfully.
330 Failed to wait for snapshot drop operation to complete, status %1.
331 One or more drop events was abandoned while waiting for snapshot drop operation to complete.
332 Timed out while waiting for snapshot drop operation to complete.
333 Failed to signal a drop-complete event, status %1.
334 During switchover of volume %2 volume open failed with status %1. Switchover aborted.
335 Attempt to switchover volume %2 is being aborted because there is a snapshot active on the volume. Query status was %1.
336 Cluster registration of volume %1 failed with status %2. Refer to product documentation for steps to manually create a cluster resource.
337 Failed to determine the status of volume %3 on system %4. Error: %5.
338 DataKeeper WSFC resource file ‘%3’ could not be copied to the Cluster at ‘%4’, Error: ‘%5’.
339 DataKeeper WSFC resource file ‘%3’ was missing in the DataKeeper folder. Cluster registration cannot be performed.
340 Shared Volume failover of volume %3 encountered an error using the Shared Owner file. %5 : status %4.
341 Shared Volume switchover of volume %3 failed. No shared targets were reported by the current source system.
342 ClearBlockTarget() on system %3 for volume %4 failed with error %5.
343 SetConfiguration() on system %3 for volume %4 failed with error %5.
344 ClearBlockTarget() volume open on system %3 for volume %4 failed with error %5.
345 Successfully added DataKeeperVolume registry entries.
346 Failed to add DataKeeperVolume registry entries. Failed with error %3.
347 Unable to determine if the mirror break to %3 for volume %4 was user requested. Setting to user requested.
348 Failed to find job for server %3 and volume %4. Error: %5.
349 Successfully set the cluster resource property ‘%3’ for volume ‘%4’ to value ‘%5’.
350 Failed to change mirror type. %4
352 情報 IMPORTANT – VSS Quiesce failed. This may be due to the SIOS VSS Provider not being activated. To activate the SIOS VSS Provider, run the script “install-siosprovider.cmd” which is located in “%ExtMirrBase%\VSSProvider”.
353 情報 About to update the cluster resource property ‘%3’ for volume ‘%4’ to value ‘%5’.
354 エラー Failed to set the shared configuration flag for volume ‘%3’ – status ‘%4’. EMCMD SETCONFIGURATION を使用して手動でフラグを設定してください。
355 エラー Failed to copy bitmap file from previous source %3. Volume %4, target IP on old source %5. Status %6.
356 エラー ValidateBitmapCopyRequest returned error for volume %3 target IP %4 with reason %5.Status %6.
357 エラー GetBitmapFileChunk returned error for volume %3 with reason %4, target IP %5, chunkoffset %6, file name %7. Status %8.
358 エラー Attempt to create a job without a DataKeeper license failed. You need to install a valid DataKeeper license before creating a job.
359 エラー Attempt to create a mirror without a DataKeeper license failed. You need to install a valid DataKeeper license before creating a mirror.
360 警告 Failed to connect to source system %4 to invoke switchover of volume %3 – status %5. Continuing with switchover – split brain will be resolved later.
361 エラー In a Windows Server Failover Cluster, the underlying API Call ‘AddPossibleOwner()’ or ‘RemovePossibleOwner()’ Failed



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