DataKeeper requires that “File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks” be enabled on the network interfaces to make a NAMED PIPE connection and be able to run DataKeeper’s command line tool (EMCMD).

To test if you can make a Named Pipe connection, try to map a network drive on the TARGET system. If that fails, you have a Named Pipe issue.

DataKeeper also requires that NetBIOS over TCP/IP and SMB protocols be enabled. If the GUI does not operate correctly, make sure the following network configurations are enabled:

  • Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP and SMB protocols as in the following example:

My Computer->Manage->System Tools->Device Manager->View->Show Hidden Devices->Non-Plug and Play Drivers->NetBIOS over Tcpip (Enable)

  • Verify SMB protocols via a PowerShell command as seen in the following example:

Verify SMBv1 through v3:

Get-SmbServerConfiguration | Select EnableSMB*

  • Enable/Disable SMB protocols via PowerShell commands as seen in the following examples:

Enable SMBv2/SMBv3:

Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB2Protocol $true

Disable SMBv1:

Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB1Protocol $false

Disable SMBv2/SMBv3:

Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB2Protocol $false

  • Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP on each network adapter carrying mirror traffic as in the following example:

Start->Settings->Network and Dial-up Connections->->Properties->Internet Protocol(TCP/IP)->Properties->Advanced…button->WINS tab->Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP radio button (Checked)

  • Enable the Microsoft “Client for Microsoft Networks” component on each system where the DataKeeper Administrator GUI will be used. This must be on the same adapter with NetBIOS over TCP/IP enabled (above). For example:

Start->Settings->Network and Dial-up Connections->->Properties->Client for Microsoft Networks(checked)

  • Enable the Microsoft “File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks” component on each system which the DataKeeper Administrator GUI will connect to locally and remotely. This must be on the same adapter with NetBIOS over TCP/IP enabled (above). For example:

Start->Settings->Network and Dial-up Connections->->Properties->File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft


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