Installation – Fatal Error: Unable to Determine Previous Install Path


Fatal Error: Unable to determine previous install path. DataKeeper cannot be uninstalled or reinstalled.


When performing a “Repair” or “Uninstall” of DataKeeper, the “ExtMirrBase” value is missing in the installation path of DataKeeper in the registry under HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment.

Suggested Action

Perform one of the following:

• Under the Environment key, create “ExtMirrBase” as a REG_SZ and set the value to the DataKeeper installation path (i.e. C:\Program Files(x86)\SIOS\DataKeeper).

• To force InstallShield to perform a new install of DataKeeper, delete the following registry key:


This should be the installation key created by InstallShield for the DataKeeper product.


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