
Once a cluster File Server role is created, neither Server Manager nor Failover Cluster Manager can be used to initially create the share.

Suggested Action

Microsoft Article 2804526 provides a high level overview of several WSFC Server 2012 issues including this problem. This article will refer you to several hotfixes for Server 2012.

When using Failover Cluster Manager on Server 2012, the File Share Wizard would not start when right-clicking the “Add File Share” short-cut or when using the right panel “Add File Share” button if third party storage was used. Installing Microsoft Hotfix 2795993 will correct this problem.

Alternatively, installing the following Windows Update modules for Server 2012 will also correct this problem:

KB2815769 KB2803676 KB2785094 KB2779768 KB2771744 KB2761094

KB2812829 KB2800088 KB2784160 KB2779562 KB2771431 KB2758246

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KB2811660 KB2790920 KB2782419 KB2777166 KB2769165 KB2751352

KB2803748 KB2788350 KB2780342 KB2771821 KB2764870

The Server 2012 Windows Update List shown above was cumulative as of 4/2/2013. Our lab tests showed that Hotfix 2795993 may not install on every Server 2012 system. In that case, we recommend installing at least the Windows Update modules listed above.

On Server 2012, the Server Manager tool could not be used to create shares on clustered volumes if third party storage was used. Installing Microsoft Hotfix 2796000 will correct this problem. Alternatively, installing the same set of Windows Update modules listed above will also correct this problem.

The workaround if not installing the above is to create the share using Windows Explorer. Once the share is created through Windows Explorer, adjusting permissions or other aspects of the file share can be performed normally through Server Manager or Failover Cluster console.



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