Use Control F to search for a specific error code.

17 Info DataKeeper Cluster Resource ‘Online’ operation for Volume ‘Y:’ was successful.
18 Error DataKeeper Cluster Resource failed to connect to DataKeeper service for Volume ‘Y:’ 2 – The System cannot find the file specified

231 – All pipe instances are busy

19 Error DataKeeper Cluster Resource ‘GetServiceInfo’ failed for Volume ‘%3:’. Error: [%4]
20 Error DataKeeper Cluster Resource ‘GetVolumeInfo’ failed for Volume ‘M:’. Error: [15] 15 – The System cannot find the drive specified
21 Error DataKeeper Cluster Resource ‘Unlock Volume’ failed for Volume ‘%3:’. Error: [%4]
22 Error DataKeeper Cluster Resource ‘Switchover’ operation failed for Volume ‘Y:’. Error: [64] 1 – Incorrect function

53 – The network path was not found

64 – The specified network name is no longer

23 Error DataKeeper Cluster Resource Volume ‘F:’ has no mirror.
24 Error DataKeeper Cluster Resource ‘Lock Volume’ failed for Volume ‘I:’. Error: [33] 33 – The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file.
25 Info DataKeeper Cluster Resource ‘Offline’ for Volume ‘Y:’ was successful.
26 Info DataKeeper Cluster Resource ‘LooksAlive’ test for Volume ‘%3:’ failed.
27 Error DataKeeper Cluster Resource create temp filename on Volume ‘%3:’ failed. Error:[%4]
28 Warning DataKeeper Cluster Resource open temp file ‘%3’ for Volume ‘%4:’ failed.
29 Warning DataKeeper Cluster Resource flush temp file ‘%3’ for Volume ‘%4:’ failed.
30 Warning DataKeeper Cluster Resource write temp file ‘%3’ for Volume ‘%4:’ failed.
31 Warning DataKeeper Cluster Resource create online thread for Volume ‘%3:’ failed. Error:[%4]
32 Warning DataKeeper Cluster Resource create offline thread for Volume ‘%3:’ failed. Error:[%4]
33 Warning DataKeeper Cluster Resource failed to validate volume letter private property.
34 Error DataKeeper Volume Resource ‘I:’ failed to find a valid DataKeeper Cluster Edition license.
35 Error DataKeeper Cluster Resource ‘Get Configuration’ for WSFC failed for Volume ‘W:’. Error: [2] 2 – The System cannot find the file specified
36 Error DataKeeper Cluster Resource ‘Set Configuration’ for WSFC failed for Volume ‘I:’. Error: [2] 2 – The System cannot find the file specified
37 Info DataKeeper Cluster Resource ‘TampaShare’ for volume ‘W:’ is being deleted.
38 Info Clearing WSFC flag for DataKeeper Cluster Resource ‘TampaShare’ for volume ‘W:’ on node ‘MACHINE’.
39 Error Mirror state for drive ‘%3:’ is invalid for switchover. State is %4. Info only – no action required
40 Error Unable to read the ‘VolumeLetter’ property of a DataKeeper Volume resource. The ‘VolumeLetter’ property may not have been assigned to the resource. Check the properties of this resource and make sure a ‘VolumeLetter’ property is assigned. The Online operation has failed. Error: [13] 13 – The data is invalid
41 Error The Online operation for DataKeeper Volume Resource ‘H:’ has timed out waiting for a DataKeeper service connection. Check the DataKeeper service and make sure it is running. The Online operation has failed. Error: [2] 2 – The System cannot find the file specified
42 Error DataKeeper Volume Resource ‘%3:’ Online operation was terminated by the Resource Manager. The Online operation has failed.
43 Info New node to DataKeeper Cluster Resource ‘New DataKeeper Volume’ for volume ‘N:’ is being added.
44 Warning Error %3 in getting job information for DataKeeper Cluster Resource ‘%4’ for volume ‘%5:’.
45 Error No job defined in DataKeeper on system %3 for volume ‘%4:’. The resource %5 will not come online on that node until job is defined.
46 Info Attempted to bring volume L Online on this system, but the last source for this mirror is MACHINE1. This system is not a valid node for Online – only the mirror target node or a share of the mirror source is valid.
47 Error Attempt to connect to service locally failed with error %3.
48 Info Volume N: is owned by node marl-pfc01n02 and is in state 129
49 Info
50 Info
51 Error Attempt to query dos device for volume %3 failed with error %4
52 Error Attempt to create dos device name for volume %3 failed with error %4
53 Error Attempt to delete dos device name for volume %3 failed with error %4
54 Error
55 Warning During Offline, the resource DLL failed to start a separate thread to periodically update the resource state. If the Offline request takes a long time to complete, the resource might be marked FAILED by the cluster service.
56 Error During volume Offline, DataKeeper Cluster Resource failed to connect to DataKeeper service for Volume ‘%3:’. Error: [%4]
57 Error During volume Offline, DataKeeper Cluster Resource ‘Lock Volume’ failed for Volume ‘%3:’. Error: [%4]. The DataKeeper Offline procedure will continue to attempt to bring this resource offline. Resolve the lock failure by closing any applications that have an exclusive handle on the volume. If the volume still cannot be locked, reboot the system to force the termination of Offline retries.
58 Error During volume Offline, DataKeeper Cluster Resource ‘GetVolumeInfo’ failed for Volume ‘%3:’. Error: [%4]. The DataKeeper Offline procedure will continue to attempt to bring this resource offline, and will try again to get the volume information for this resource. If the information still cannot be retrieved, reboot the system to force the termination of Offline retries.
59 Error During volume Online, DataKeeper Cluster Resource ‘GetVolumeInfo’ failed at ‘%3’ for Volume ‘%4:’ Error: [%5]. The Volume ‘%3’ will be marked as failed.
60 Warning During Online, the resource DLL failed to start a separate thread to periodically update the resource state. If the Online request takes a long time to complete, the resource might fail to be brought online.
61 Error The attempt to bring the DataKeeper Cluster Resource online failed for Volume ‘%3:’. Error: [%4]. The Volume ‘%3’ will be marked as failed.
62 Warning During the Online operation for DataKeeper Volume Resource ‘%3:’, the cluster node handle for the previous source system, ‘%4’, could not be opened.
63 Error During volume Online, DataKeeper Cluster Resource ‘GetConfiguration’ failed for Volume ‘%3:’. Error: [%4]. The Volume ‘%3’ will be marked as failed.
64 Error During volume Online, DataKeeper Cluster Resource ‘SetConfiguration’ failed for Volume ‘%3:’. Error: [%4]. The Volume ‘%3’ will be marked as failed.
80 Error A failure occurred during the check of volume ‘%3’. Error: [%4]. The volume ‘%3’ may be marked as failed.
96 Error A failure occurred trying to open a handle to the local cluster. Error: [%3].
97 Error A failure occurred trying to open a handle to the cluster node ‘%3’. Error: [%4]
98 Error The Online request was denied because a node outside the cluster, ‘%4’, is still reporting itself as Source for its corresponding volume ‘%5’.
99 Error The Private Property ‘%4’ was found with value ‘%5’. This indicates that the target may have not been in the mirroring state with the source.
100 Error This volume is in the Source role, but node ‘%4’ has brought the volume Online more recently. This appears to be an attempt to move a mirror that is currently in the Split Brain state.
Reboot the local server or restart the Cluster service to resolve the Split Brain condition.
101 Info The DataKeeper Volume Join Cluster thread has completed split brain checking and is exiting with status %1.
102 Error The DataKeeper Volume LooksAlive health check for volume %1 failed with status %2.
103 Error The DataKeeper Volume IsAlive health check for volume %1 failed with status %2.
104 Warning The DataKeeper Volume %3 has an active snapshot. Bypassing the volume lock to prevent dropping the active snapshot.


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