You are here: DataKeeper > Administration > Using EMCMD with SIOS DataKeeper > SETSNAPSHOTLOCATION


EMCMD <system> SETSNAPSHOTLOCATION <volume letter> "<directory path>"

This command sets the snapshot location (directory path) for the given volume on the given system. The directory must be valid on the system in question, must be a local drive/path, must be an absolute path and cannot be left blank (see CLEARSNAPSHOTLOCATION). If no snapshot location is currently configured, executing this command will have the effect of enabling target snapshots on the given volume.

The parameters are:

<system> This is the system name/IP address containing volume to be snapshotted.
<volume letter> This is the drive letter of the volume to be snapshotted.
<directory path> This is the absolute directory path, local to <system>, for the snapshot file location. Note that this value must be enclosed in quotes if the path contains a space character.


Sample output:

Status = 0

When the command is successful, it will return a status of 0. Otherwise, it will report a non-zero status.


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