.cmd, found in the <DataKeeper Installation Path>\SUPPORT
directory, is used to collect important configuration information and event log files and put them in a zip file. SIOS Support Engineers will commonly request this zip file as part of the support process. To run this utility, double-click the file DKSUPPORT from the explorer window or right click the DataKeeper Notification Icon and then click on 'Gather Support Logs'.
This utility may also be executed from the command prompt using the following procedure.
• Open a command prompt
• Type “cd %extmirrbase%
• You will now be placed in the DataKeeper directory or c:\Program Files (x86) \SIOS\DataKeeper
• From the aforementioned directory type “cd support
• From within the support directory, execute the following command “dksupport.cmd
• Run this command on all systems that are participating in DataKeeper mirroring
The zip file will be created in the same Support directory, and can either be emailed to or File transferred (FTP) to support engineering
Note: This command may take some time to execute.
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