You are here: DataKeeper > Administration > DKHEALTHCHECK


DKHealthCheck.exe, found in the <DataKeeper Installation Path>\DKTools directory, is a tool that can provide basic mirror status and problem detection of mirror issues. SIOS Support may request that you run this tool as part of the Support process.

Note: DKHEALTHCHECK output is captured by DKSupport automatically and does not need to be run separately if you are already running DKSupport.

You can run this tool by right clicking the DataKeeper Notification Icon and then clicking on 'Launch Health Check' or by following the below procedure.

Open a command prompt

The results of the tool can be copied and pasted from the command prompt and emailed to

Alternatively, you may direct the output to a file, by running this command inside of the DKTools directory.

This file can then be attached and sent as part of an email.

Note: This command may take some time to execute.


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