Before creating a mirror, ensure the following:
You have created a job to hold the mirror.
The volume on both the source and target systems must be of the NTFS file system type.
The target volume must be greater than or equal to the size of the source volume.
If the volume will be configured on a Dynamic Disk, create the dynamic volume first, then reboot the system before continuing with mirror creation (see the Mirroring with Dynamic Disks Known Issue for further information).
See Volume Considerations for more information, including what volumes cannot be mirrored.
You must be connected to both the source and target server before creating the mirror. Use the Connect to Server link in the Actions pane or in the Mirror Create dialog box.
Select Create a Mirror from the right column Actions task pane. The Choose a Source dialog box appears.
Enter or choose the Server Name for the source volume. You can select the Connect to Server link below this field to connect to the server at this time.
Choose the IP address that is on the subnet you wish to use for the replication traffic.
Enter or choose the Volume to be used on the selected server. Select Next. The Choose a Target dialog box appears.
Enter or choose the server with the Target Volume. If necessary, you can select the Connect to Server link at this time.
Choose the IP address that is on the subnet you wish to use for the replication traffic.
Enter or choose the Volume to be used on the selected server. Press Next to continue. The Configure Details dialog box will display.
Use the slide bar to set the data compression level for data sent from the source to the target system. Note: Compression is only recommended to be used when replicating across WAN connections.
Select how (Asynchronously or Synchronously) the source volume data should be sent to the target volume.
If you wish to limit the amount of bandwidth used by replication, enter the maximum bandwidth for transmission; otherwise, leave the default setting. Select Done. The job with the new mirror will appear in the left tree pane and the main window displays.
Note: After creating a mirror, its initial state may be displayed as Resync Pending in the Summary pane. When the initial mirror resynchronization completes, its state will automatically switch to the Mirror state.
© 2013 SIOS Technology Corp., the industry's leading provider of business continuity solutions, data replication for continuous data protection.