You are here: User_Guide > Clustering > Creating a DataKeeper Volume Resource in WSFC > Manual Creation of a Mirror in WSFC

Manual Creation of a Mirror in WSFC

  1. Wait until the mirrors are in the Mirroring state.
  2. Create an Empty Application.
  • Open the Microsoft Windows Failover Cluster GUI

  • Right-click on Services and Applications

  • Expand More Actions

  • Select Create Empty Service and Application

  • Right-click on the newly created service and select Properties

  • Rename the empty application to DataKeeper Service

  1. Add a resource to the new empty application.
  • Right-click on DataKeeper Service

  • Select Add Resource

  • Navigate to More Resources/Add DataKeeper Volume

  1. Open the Properties of this newly added resource and change the Resource Name to something meaningful, like "DataKeeper Volume E" (which designates E drive). Select the DataKeeper Volume Parameters tab and associate a volume drive letter (E for the above example) with the resource. A list of all mirrored volumes will be presented. Choose the volume that you wish to control with this resource.

  2. Right-click on the resource and choose Bring Online. Make sure it comes online. Note: Resources placed in online status are unlocked. Resources placed in the offline status are locked.

  3. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for all the other DataKeeper volumes you wish to protect with WSFC.

  4. Move the resource to available storage by doing the following:

  • Expand the Services and Applications tab

  • Select the DataKeeper service just created and note the resources

  • From the main pane, select the resource (i.e., DataKeeper Volume E)

  • Right-click and select Remove from DataKeeper Service -- this will move the resource to Available Storage

  • Repeat for all the other volumes

  1. Delete the empty application created in Step 2.

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